Nord-Torpen "Torpen"
History: Bruk 2, Nordtorpen was first mentioned 1611. In 1617 until 1620 we find "Laurits på Nødtorp", 1624 until 1630 we find Jacob living on Nordtorp.Then the user on bruk 1 had this farm for some years. In 1721, Kristoffer Hanson became the user of Torpen. He was brother to Johannes on bruk 1. Kristoffer married Ingeborg Jonsdtr in 1711. He died in 1727 and a new user came on. There was now several users' until Mons Johanneson from bruk 1 bought it in 1752. He had married again and when Mons died in 1754,his widow married Anders Johanneson. They had 4 children and Mons Anderson got the farm. He was born 1761 and married Ranveig Johannesdtr Voldal. Mons died 1788 and the widow married Aslak Torson Nundal from Bjørkehaugen. Aslak was the first that really get hold of the farm. He was born 1758 and died in 1831. Ranveig died 1796 and Aslak married Sigrid Persdtr. They got 8 children. Of this, Tore born 1798 got the farm. Tore married Eli Johannesdtr 1822. Tore died 1850 . Tore and Eli had 5 children and Johannes Toreson got the farm.He was born 1828 and married in 1850 with Synneva Jørgensdtr Javnåker.They had the farm until 1867 when they sold to Håvard Knutson Nundal.Johannes and Synneva immigrated to USA with their daughter Inga.Håvard was born 1820 and married Sigrid Toresdtr,(daughter of Tore the previous owner).They went to Luster in 1858 and had a farm there till 1870 when they moved back to Torpen.Håvard died in a snow blizzard in 1871, and in 1874 Sigrid sold the farm and emigrated to here son Thore in Cherry grove township, Goodhue county,Minnesota. The new owner was Sjur Sjurson Årebru and he sold in 1876 to Vilken Olson Midtun. He was born 1841 and married in 1863 with Synneva Eriksdtr Nundal .They had 4 children and Erik Vilkenson got the farm. Erik was born in 1863 and married 1889 with Mari Olsdtr Nundal. They had 7 children and of those, Vilhelm Erikson born 1893 got the farm. He was married to Ida Ovesdtr Nundal in 1916 and got the farm in 1920
Known persons from this place that emigrated to USA :
Johannes Toreson Nundal 9/4-1867 age 39
Synneva Jørgensdtr Nundal 9/4-1867
Inga Johannesdtr Nundal 9/4-1867 age 16
Sigrid Toresdtr Nundal 21/5-1874
Tor Håvardson Nundal 29/4-1872 age 25
Tomas Vilkenson Nundal 2/5-1885 age 20
Ella Marie Nundal 27/4-1891 age 4
Hermund Vilkenson Nundal 27/4-1891 age 23 Used the name Torpen when they left
Henrine Eriksdtr Nundal 27/4-1891 age 22 Used the name Torpen when they left
Severine Vilkensdtr Nundal 11/4-1892 age 18 Used the name Torpen when they left