
The first we know of here is Lasse Hermundson Nundal, born 1768 and married to Anna Sofie Persdtr Nundal in 1794. She died the year after and Lasse married Gjertrud Arnfinnsdtr Vetti in 1798. In 1817 Botolf Johanneson Nundal leased the place. He had promised Lasse to married his daughter Anne Sofie if he would give him the place. But insted Botolf married Gurid Ingebriktsdtr Eldegard in 1824. Botolf was born 1793 and died in 1831 by a stone falling from a mountain. In 1834 we than find Mons Aslakson as the user. Mons was born in 1799 and married in 1834 with Anna Matiasdtr Midtun. Mons died in 1850 and the nex user was Anfinn Trondson Nundal. Anfinn was born in 1830 and married to Ingeborg Eriksdtr Nundal 1854. They had 9 children. Anfinn and his wife emigrated in 1894 to USA. After Arnfinn and Ingeborg emigrated, their son Erik Arnfinnson had the place. He was born in 1855 and married in 1882 Johanna Olsdtr Nundal from the Henrik-Ola farm (Tretteteig). They had 10 children, three emigrated to USA.

Known persons from this place that emigrated to USA :
Anfinn Trondson Nundal 19/7-1894 age 64
Ingeborg Eriksdtr Nundal 19/7-1894 age 60
Oline Anfinnsdtr Nundal 11/9-1890 age 22
Ingeborg Anfinnsdtr Nundal 11/9-1890 age 20
Anders Anfinnson Nundal 19/7-1894 age 18
Anfinn Erikson Nundal 28/5-1907 age 20
Ole Dahl Erikson Nundal 1/2-1913 age 25
Edward Erikson Nundal 11/3-1909 age 18