The name was written Ve 1330, Vee 1368, Veæ 1565, We 1563, Vee 1603, Whæ 1611, Vee 1666, Whee 1723. Ve means holynes, a holy place. This farm is first mentioned in 1330. In 1368 Orm Ogmundson with his wife Gunhild, sold a part in Ve to Jomar Erlingson. The first user we know of is Knut Asgrimson who is here in 1565. In 1598, we find Nils here, and he was user until 1625. From 1626 until 1640, we find Eyvind here. After him, we find Ola Knutson here. He had this farm until 1675 when he died. His son Tomas Knutson then got the farm. Tomas was born in 1650 and died in 1704. He was married to Gro Hermundsdtr Øvstetun. She died in 1716. Their son Ola Tomasson then got this farm. Ola was born in 1680 and married with Kari Håvardsdtr Hestetun in 1705. Ola had lent money from Jon Jørgenson Øren, and Jon got half the farm for this. Ola got br.1 in 1704 and had it until his death in 1748. His wife died in 1742. Their son Tomas then got this farm. Tomas Olson married Ingeborg Andersdtr in 1739. They had 6 children. Their son Ola got this farm. First Ola got half the farm in 1765, and later he became owner of the other part called br.2. Ola Tomasson was born in 1741 and married in 1764 with Kari Hermundsdtr Holsæter. She died in 1772 and Ola married again with Malena Olsdtr Hestetun in 1775. Ola died in 1820 and Malena in 1826. Ola's son from the first marriage, Tomas got this farm in 1790. Tomas Olson was born in 1766 and married in 1790 with Johanne Jansdtr Hovland. They had 9 children, and Ola the got this farm. Ola Tomasson was born in 1781 and married in 1820 with Mari Andersdtr Lægreid. They had 4 children. Ola Drowned in 1834 and his widow had the farm until their son Tomas was old enough to have it. Tomas Olson was born in 1830 and married in 1849 with Margreta Nilsdtr Midtun. They got this farm in 1854. Margreta died in 1861, and Tomas married again with Katarina Nilsdtr Offerdal. When Margreta died in 1861, their son Ola got this farm. Ola Tomasson was born in 1849 and married in 1870 with Synneva Olsdtr Avdal. Ola did not want to be a farmer, so he sold this farm in 1868. One part to Ola Moen, and the other to Ola Janson Ve. They both then sold to Ola Ørbech Natvik, who was married with Mari Tomasdtr Ve, Ola's sister. Ola Ørbech was born in 1846 and married Mari in 1871. Mari was born in 1852. They had 5 children. Their son Ola got this farm in 1905. Ola Olson was born in 1872 and married in 1893 with Ida Eriksdtr Moen. They had 13 children. Their son Olaf Ørbech then got this farm. Olaf was born in 1900 and married with Gerda Røhr. They had 5 children and today their grandchild Ole owns this farm and lives here.
Known persons from this place that emigrated to USA :
Jan Ørbech Ve 1900 age 18
Hermann Tomasson Ve 1845 age 40
Ingeborg Eriksdtr Ve 1845
Johanna Hermannsdtr Ve 1845 age 7
Ingeborg Hermannsdtr Ve age 2
Nils Tomasson Ve 16/4-1872 age 18
Tomas Olson Ve 6/5-1892 age 20
Ola Tomasson Ve 11/5-1901 age 52
Synneva Olsdtr Ve 11/5-1901
Margrete Olsdtr Ve 11/5-1901 age 26
Anna Olsdtr Ve 11/5-1901 age 16