History: The name was writen Sualemb 1666, Svalem 1723.Svalheim is probably an old farm, but we know very little of the time before the Black Death. The first time we see the farm mentioned is 1611. The most of the farm then belonged to the King. He sold to Bernt Nagel and he to This Nagel.After him his son Christoffer Nagel,priest in Herøya became owner.His son Hans This Nagel the sold to the user, Sjur Olson Svalheim in 1733. The first user we find here is a Sjur,mentioned in 1611-1630.After him we find Erik, who had the farm for nearly 40 years. Then there was a Ola Endreson, probably son of Endre Asleson Åbøle.
In 1714 we then find Sjur Olson born 1673 and married to Marta Rolandsdtr Avdal.She died in 1740. Sjur died 1764.Their son Ola Sjurson got the farm.He was born in 1713 and married in 1744 to Anna Optun,from Luster County.They had 2 children, Sjur and Marta. Sjur Olson got the farm.He was born 1753 and married Kirsti Johannesdtr Drægni in 1780. They had 10 children and Ola Sjurson got the farm in 1808. Ola was born 1782 and married to Ingeborg Olsdtr Ve.They had 9 children, and Sjur Olson got the farm..He was born in 1816 and married in 1834 with Anna Vilkensdtr Hæreid. She died in 1843 and Sjur in 1852. Ola Sjurson got the farm. He was born in 1837 and married to Else Ivarsdtr Offerdal in 1859. They had the farm until 1889 when they gave it to their son Sjur Olson . -----he was born 1860 and died unmarried.But he gave away the farm to his brother Ivar in 1890. Ivar was married to Malena Spangelo,but she died in 1907 so he married again to Ingeborg Hamre. In 1924 they gave the farm to two of Ivar's son's, Ola Ivarson and Roar Ivarson and moved to east Norway. Roar sold his part to his brother in 1928.