History: This was a part owned by the Øren farm. The first we know of here is Per Rasmusson Åbøle. Per was born in 1720 and married with Øllegård Olsdtr Hestetun in 1768. Their child Marita was married at the crofter place, Melheim
Per died in 1780. Øllegård married again in 1780 with Peder Vilkenson Rønnei. They had 2 children. Øllegård died in 1813, Peder in 1853. After Peder we find Anders Sjurson Øygard here. Anders was born in 1799 and married in 1828 with Kari Olsdtr Hæreid. They had 5 children. Kari died in 1852 and Anders married again in 1865 with Kari Andersdtr Hestetun. She died in 1869, and Anders married for the third time in 1870 with Brita Sølfesdtr Øvstetun. With his first wife Anders had 5 children. Anders died in 1878. Then we find a new user here. It was Ola Oveson Åbøle. Ola was born in 1828 and married in 1854 with Sigrid Olsdtr Avdal. Ola and Sigrid had 10 children. They were the last people here.
Known persons from this place that emigrated to USA :
Anders Olson Øren
Ole Olson Øren 25/4-1895 age 21
Olina Olsdtr Øren 27/4-1896 age 17