Old photo of Øygard, on right side you can see Heimre Hjedl
This time on close distance
The first we know of here is Sjur Botolvson Årebru. He was born in 1757 and married in 1785 to Kirsti Magnusdtr Ve. They had 5 children. After them we find Sjur Sjurson Svalheim, born in 1782 and married to Ranveig Eyvindsdtr Hjelle in 1820. She was born in 1790 and died in 1834. With Ranveig he had 7 children, and in 1842 he married again, this time with Margrete Tomasdtr Øvstetun. And with here Sjur got 7 new children. None of those leased the place. The new user was Per Hallvardson Sagøyni, born 1820. He married to Ingeborg Olsdtr Avdal in 1849. They had 7 children. Of those Ingeborg, their daughter got the place. She was born in 1865 and married Ola Aslakson Nundal in 1887. Ola was born in 1865 and died in 1925. They had 10 children and today we find their granddaughter Astrid and here husband Anton as the owner's and still living here.
Known person's from this place that emigrated to USA:
Gjørond Sjursdtr Hjelle 12/4-1871 age 24
Tomas Sjurson Hjelle 12/4-1871 age 22
Malena Sjursdtr Hjelle 12/4-1871 age 18
Marta Sjursdtr Hjelle 12/4-1871 age 15
Anders Pederson Hjelle April 1882 age 25
Kirsti Pedersdtr Hjelle 14/4-1885 age 26
Peder Olson Hjelle 27/3-1906 age 19
Kari Pedersdtr Hjelle 19/2-1874 age 20