Øren Br.2
The name was written Ørne 1603, Ørenn 1611, Ørnen 1666 and Øhren 1723. Øren is not mentioned before 1603, but already in 1611 this is one of the largest farms. The first we know of here is Eirik. He was here from 1601 to 1611. Then we find Lars here, from 1611 until 1635. After him we find Kristoffer here, from 1635 until his death in 1663. Then we have Eirik Nilson here, from 1664 to at least 1683. Then there were two users at the same time, Sjur and Johannes. Sjur for a short period, but Johannes was here until 1696, when there was a new owner. His name was Jon Jørgenson Eide. Jon was born 1674 and was married to Ragnhild Lægreid. They had 7 children. Jon died in 1727. Their son Jørgen then got this farm. Jørgen Jonson was born in 1702 and married in 1727 with Gro Olsdtr Hæreid. Jørgen died in 1771 and Gro in 1775. They had 7 children. Their son Jon then got this farm. Jon Jørgenson was born in 1737 and married in 1761 with Ranveig Helgesdtr Hæreid. They had 4 children. Jon gave half the farm to his son Jørgen in 1783, and the other half to his son Helge in 1788. We continue with Helges part, br 2. Helge Jonson was born 1768 and married in 1793 with Inga Olsdtr Hæreid. They had 9 children. Helge died in 1827 and Inga in 1855. Their son Ola then got the farm. Ola Helgeson was born in 1803 and married in 1832 with Bertha Jensdtr Prestegaard. They had 6 children. Ola had this farm until 1851, when his son Helge got it. Helge Olson was born in 1831 and married in 1852 with Gjørond Olsdtr Hæreid. But in 1855 Helge sold this farm and emigrated to USA. The new owner was Torleiv Gudbrandson Åbøle. Torleiv was born in 1823 and was married in 1853 with Barbra Holsæter. Torleiv had this farm until 1868 when he sold to Tomas Nilson Holsæter. Tomas was born in 1847 and married in 1871 to Synneva Vilkensdtr Midtun. Their son Nils then got this farm. Today this place no longer exist.
Known persons from this place that emigrated to USA :
Tomas Helgeson Øren 14/4-1855 age 40
Helge Tomasson Øren 14/4-1855 age 11
Margrete Tomasson Øren 14/4-1855 age 9
Helge Olson Øren 14/4-1855 age 24
Gjørond Olsdtr Øren 14/4-1855 age 24
Ola Helgeson Øren 14/4-1855 age 2
Malena Olsdtr Øren 14/4-1855 age 21
Jens Olson Øren 14/4-1855 age 17
Inga Olsdtr Øren 14/4-1855 age 13
Jon Olson Øren 14/4-1855 age 10