History: The first we know of here is Hermund olson Nundal. hermund was born in 1801 and married to Guri Olsdtr Holsæter in 1829. she died in 1851 and Hermund married in 1852 with Sigrid jensdtr Asperheim. They lived here until 1865 when they moved to Natvik. Hermund had three children with his first wife, and one wth the last. After Hermund, we find Eyvind Tommason hestetun here. Eyvind was born in 1823 and married in 1861 with Marita Sjursdtr Svalheim. They had 5 children. Eyvind died in 1900 and Marita in 1927. They were the last crofter people here.
Known persons from this place that emigrated to USA :
Ole Eyvindson Midtun 14/3-1892 age 21