Picture owner Jenny Osland
The name was written Østenrwnn 1522, Østethun 1563, Østethom 1567, Øffstethunn 1611, Øffstethun 1666, Øvstethun 1723. The users here has always owned this farm. This is very seldom and may indicate this has been owned by some nobelty. The first we know of here is Pouel Østenrwnn in 1522.Then we find Jon here in 1560.In 1601 we find Hermund as the user. He was gone in 1603, and we have Ole Helgeson here. Ola Helgeson had been at the Kalhagen farm in Luster. Ola was born 1550 and died in 1622. He was the user here from 1604-1618. The next we find here is Halvor Olson, his son. Halvor was born in 1585, and had this farm from 1618-1632. After him we find Botolf Hermundson here.Botolf was married with Gro Olsdtr,daughter of Ola Helgeson. Gro was born in 1593 and died in 1650. The next we find is their son Hermund Botolfson, from 1645. He was married with Bertha Olsdtr Lægreid. He died early, because in 1666 we find his son Tomas here. Tomas Hermundson was born in 1644 and was married with Ingrid Einarsdtr Husum. Tomas died in 1712 and his daughter Inga, married with Kristoffer Ingebriktson Årebru got this farm. But Ingas brother Hermund which had had the Tønjum farm in Lærdal, used "the Odels law" and took back the farm for his son Ola. So in 1725 we find Ola Hermundson here. Ola was born in 1692 and died in 1748. He married Malena Pedersdtr in 1725. They had 4 children and their son Peder got this in 1763 when his mother died. Peder Olson was born in 1735 and married in 1762 with Ingeborg Sylfesdtr Berge from Luster. Peder drowned in the river in 1790. Ingeborg died in 1818. They had 7 children and their son Sylfest got this farm in 1791. Sylfest was born in 1771 and married in 1792 with Mari Olsdtr Hestetun. They had 8 children. Sylfest had this farm until 1818. Sylfest died in 1836 and Mari in 1850. Their son Peder got the farm in 1818. Peder was born in 1799 and married with Synneva Aslaksdtr Midtun in 1820. Peder gave this farm to his son Sylfest in 1841. Peder died in 1872 and Synneva in 1867. Sylfest Pederson was born in 1820 and married in 1854 with Mari Olsdtr Ve. She died in 1858 and Sylfest married again with Kari Nilsdtr Holsæter in 1859. He had two children from each marriage, and his son from his second, Peder got this farm. Peder was born in 1861 and married in 1880 with Malena Eiriksdtr Moen. They had 10 children. Their son Peder got this farm. Peder was born in 1903 and married with Kjellaug Jørgensdtr Hæreid in 1930. Today their grandchildren owns this place and all lives here. The last free area for building town village has been taken, it was the applegarden, so the only remainig from the farm is the main house and the haybarn.
Known persons from this place that emigrated to USA :
Aslak Pederson Øvstetun 23/4-1857 age 32
Mari Tomasdtr Øvstetun 23/4-1857
Peder Aslakson Øvstetun 23/4-1857 age 3
Synneva Aslaksdtr Øvstetun 23/4-1857 age 1
Mari Pedersdtr Øvstetun 14/4-1868 age 33
Synneva Pedersdtr Øvstetun 14/4-1868 age 23
Erik Pederson Øvstetun 9/6-1906 age 20
Brita Pedersdtr Øvstetun 24/11-1914 age 24
Karl Olai Pederson Øvstetun 14/6-1913 age 20