The name was written Jellum in 1603, Jelde 1666 and Gelle 1723. This is a very old farm, the first time we here of it is in early 13 century, when Sir Sigvat of Leirholer, Valdres gave Hjelle to the church in Lærdal. During the Black Death we see nothing to Hjelle until early 1600.In 1645 was the owner Erik Nordal, priest in Leikanger. His son Iver Leganger sold the farm to Torstein Kose in 1711 and is still own by the same family. The first user we find here is Knut, mentioned in 1603. After him we find Mikkel, probably his son because he had a son with that name. Mikkel used the farm until 1655. Then we fin Knut Mikkelson here. He was born 1625 and died in 1695. His son Jon, born 1660 than had the farm but left it in 1711. The new user and self-owner was Torstein Øysteinson Kose. He was born in 1685 and married to Sigrid Eyvindsdtr Bø, born 1686. Torstein died in 1716 and Sigrid married again to Ola Olson in 1716. They had two children and in 1745 their son Torstein Olson got the farm. He was born in 1722 and married to Anna Sjursdtr Svalheim. Torstein died in 1798. They had 4 children, and Eyvind Torsteinson got the farm. He was born in 1767 and married to Margrete Jonsdtr Øren in 1787. Eyvind got the farm in 1785 and had it until 1818. Eyvind died in 1826 and Margrete in 1840. They had 9 children. Their son Torstein Øyvindson became the new user. He was born in 1800 and married to Susanne Sjursdtr Svalheim. They had the farm from 1818 to 1847, when their son Øyvind Torsteinson got it. He was born in 1824 and married in 1825 to Ingeborg Olsdtr Svalheim. They had 9 children and their son Torstein Øyvindson got the farm. He was born in 1852 and married in 1887 to Kari Olsdtr Åbøle. Their son Eyvind Torsteinson got the farm. He was born in 1888 and married to Kristina Anfinnsdtr Ve in 1913. They had 7 children, and today their grandson Øyvind born 1956 has the farm.
Known persons from this farm who emigrated to USA:
Ingeborg Torsteinsdtr Hjelle 2/2-1913 age 23