Haug, br.2
This part becomes own farm in 1706, and the first we know of here is Tomas Olson. He was married twice and had 4 children, two from each marriage. Tomas died in 1735. After him, we fin Rasmus Person Austreheim. Rasmus was born ca 1690 and married with Anna Jensdtr in 1718. He leased this part in 1738 of the owner at that time Ola Olson Bolstad. He and his wife had 7 children. After them, their son Jon Rasmusson got this part. Jon was born 1723 and married in 1754 with Mette Jørgensdtr Øren. She died in 1755 and Jon then married with
Guro Olsdtr Bolstad. He bought the whole farm in 1768 and sold part 1 to Knut Madson Hjelle, and this part to Nils Aslakson Nundal. Jon died in 1806. Nils Aslakson then sold this farm to Gudbrand Olson Ve, who became the new user here. Gudbrand was born 1722 and married in 1747 to Synneva Torsdtr Hestetun.
They had 5 children. Gulbrand died in 1791 and his wife in 1800. Their son Ola Gulbrandson was born in 1751 and married to Kari Olsdtr Hestetun in 1785. He died in 1795. He and his wife had 5 children, amongst them Gulbrand Olson who got the farm, and Synneva see below. Gulbrand Olson was born in 1785 and married in 1813 with Margreta Torleivsdtr Hestetun.
They had the farm until 1844. They had 9 children. Their son Ola Gulbrandson got the farm. Ola Gulbrandson was born in 1820 and married in 1847 with Margrete Torsteinsdtr Hjelle. They had the farm until 1877, when they gave it to their son Gulbrand. Gulbrand Olson was born 1850 and married with Susanne Eyvindsdtr Hjelle in 1877. They had no children, and in 1892, Susanne sold this farm to Olas sister Margrete. Ola was dead the year before. In 1895 Margrete and her husband, Kristoffer Furuåsen sold this to Ola Torleivson Åbøle. His grandmother was daughter of Ola Guldbrandson, Susanne Olsdtr b.1790
Ole Torleivson was born in 1867 and married in 1894 with Kari Sjursdtr Seim. They had 6 children. Ola died in 1958 and Kari in 1939. In 1947, he sold the farm to his grandson Olav Sigurdson Haug. Today his nephew Sveinung has the farm.
Known persons from this place that emigrated to USA :
Vilken Olson Åbøle 1854 age 29
Anna Olsdtr Åbøle 1853 age 26
Gulbrand Olson Åbøle 9/4-1867 age 36
Anna Ludviksdtr Åbøle 9/4-1867
Gulbrand Gulbrandson Åbøle 9/4-1867
Torstein Olson Åbøle 29/4-1880 age 21
Ole Olson Åbøle 19/3-1867 age 31