History: in 1801 we find Erik Einarson Moen here.He was born 1745 and married in 1774 with inga Botolvsdtr Årebru.They had 7 children.In 1820 there was a heavy raining and the river went over here banks.Erik sat on the roof when his son come to rescue him with a boat. The place was than moved to Øvre Timbersletti. Here we find Hallvard Sjurson Svalheim in 1828. He was born in 1788 and married in 1816 with Marta Eyvindsdtr Hjelle. They had 6 children. Hallvard died in 1855 and his wife in 1865. Then Eivind Olson Hjelle leased the place.He was born in 1830 and maried to Gjøron Sjursdtr Svalheim in 1864. They had 3 children and Ola got the place after his father.He was born in 1867 and married to Johanna Anfinnsdtr Vetti.They bought the place in 1928